IVO examines applications for permits for private services under the Social Services Act, the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and the Health and Medical Services Act.
IVO is also responsible for the registers linked to these services. Providing a service that requires a permit without holding a permit is illegal and can lead to prosecution.
Social service permits
A permit from IVO is required for private providers of services under the Social Services Act and the LSS. When the permit application is considered, an assessment is made of whether the service can be run with good quality and safety before a permit is granted. In a service looking after people who are vulnerable and at risk, the competence of the staff and the person who is responsible for the service are very important. This is part of what we assess when we consider a permit application, along with the service’s quality and management system, premises and other features.
Health care permits
IVO examines applications for permits for:
- blood services
- tissue banks
- services for the circumcision of boys (which must follow certain laws and regulations – IVO is also responsible for supervision of the service)
- syringe exchange services for injecting drug abusers, whose objective is to prevent the spread of blood-borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis and other blood-borne infections among injecting substance misusers.