The Biobank register covers the collection and preservation of biological material and is mainly used for supervision and for producing statistics.
The notification must be submitted within one month of the decision to establish the biobank. The beneficial owner does not need be the party responsible for the biobank.
The notification is sent via e-mail or letter to IVO.
Inspektionen för vård och omsorg Registerfrågor Box 45184 104 30 Stockholm
Permission from IVO is required for a beneficial owner to transfer a biobank to another beneficial owner. The application must state the reasons for the transfer, who is to take over the biobank.
Inspektionen för vård och omsorg Registerfrågor Box 45184 104 30 Stockholm
When closing a biobank the beneficial owner is responsible for notifying IVO of the decision to close the biobank. The beneficial owner must also notify IVO on the status of the samples stored in the biobank.