Housing with special services for people with functional impairments (SoL)

Housing with special services is offered to people who for physical, psychological or other reasons need more extensive support than can be provided in ordinary housing.

Individually adapted support, service and care is offered in the service. The aim is for the individuals to be able to participate in the community and live as others do.

There must be a supervisor for the service, who is responsible for the daily work and for ensuring that the service is of high quality and provides good care.

Application for permit

Application for permit Housing with special services for people with functional impairments (SoL) (Swedish)

Swedish regulations

Legal requirement for authorisation/licensing

Lag (2001:453) socialtjänstlagen (SoL)

Förordning (2001:937) Socialtjänstförordning

Regulations, manuals and knowledge support at the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)

National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) webpage

Senast uppdaterad 2020-12-11